Create Every Day Challenge

Through the Art Teachers group on Facebook I have recently found out about a challenge that is run by an artist and blogger. This is “Create Every Day”.

I have shared this blog on the site together with lots of others. You can take a look at what other people are doing, and people can see your blog and work too.

There is no pressure to create every day, but rather when you are able. Just post it to share. Each month there is although this is optional.

The theme this month is “Lost and Found”. This open to interpretation, so I’m curious to see what I come up with.

I’m doing this to encourage me to do a little more art of my own and it’s a great way to connect with others.

You can find out more on this site: Create Every Day and on the person who is running this: Blue Tree Gallery


Hopefully this will encourage me to get a little more creative this year. I’ll be posting my art here on my blog.